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set resize image

Resizing Videos and Pictures

Watermark Master provides ability to resize videos and pictures.


To set the Resize filter options, open the "Profile Settings" dialog window (or make use of the Image toolbar or the "Properties" window) and go to the Filters section.


The Resize filter includes the following options:


  • Image size - the new width and height of a graphic file or video frame. The new dimensions can be set absolutely (e.g. 320 x 240) or relative to the original dimensions (e.g. 50%). In the drop-down list you can find a series of standard sizes. If you want to specify a custom size, set the Image Size to "Custom size in pixels" or "Relative to source image".

Also you can change the Image Size using the Image toolbar or the "Properties" window. For that select one of the standard sizes from the Resize drop-down list or enter there a custom value of WIDTH x HEIGHT format (e.g. 310 x 220, 520 x 380).


  • Resampling - the resampling algorithm. Watermark Master supports the following resampling algorithms:


    1. Nearest - the simplest and quickest one, but results in a bad quality when changing the original size heavily.

    2. Bilinear - bilinear interpolation algorithm, gives a good result, has a moderate speed.

    3. Bicubic - bicubic interpolation algorithm, gives a little better result than the bilinear one, but is not much slower at that.

    4. Lanczos3/Lanczos8/Hann - a series of algorithms that give the best result, but are the slowest of all.


The choice of the optimal resampling algorithm depends on the posed tasks. When changing the original size slightly, it is sufficient to use the Nearest or Bilinear algorithm. Most probably the quality won't be lost in this case, while the speed will be high enough. And inversely, when changing the original size heavily, you are recommended to use more powerful algorithms, such as, for example, Lanczos3.


  • Type - the resampling type. It can take the following values:


    1. Stretch - scaling occurs without maintaining the original proportions. When scaling images heavily, an effect of faces' oblongness may arise.

    2. Crop - no scaling occurs. If the new size is smaller than the original one, the image is cropped. If the new size is larger than the original one, black stripes are added along the edges.

    3. Preserve aspect ratio - scaling occurs with maintaining the original proportions. When scaling images heavily, stripes will be added on top and below. To change the color of the stripes, make sure that the "Create letter-box" option is enabled and set the necessary color using the "Letter-box color" parameter. To avoid creation of the stripes, disable the "Create letter-box" option.

    4. Preserve aspect ratio, no letter-box - scaling occurs with maintaining the original proportions and without adding stripes on the top and bottom. However, the image will be slightly cropped on each side to maintain the proportions.


  •   Aspect ratio - the aspect ratio (the displayed width of an image divided by its height) of the produced image. It can take the following values:


    1. Keep original - when playing the produced video, the source video's aspect ratio will be used. If the source video's aspect ratio is not defined, 1 x 1 will be used.

    2. 1 x 1 - when playing the produced video, an aspect ratio equal to the ratio between the source video's frame width and its frame height will be used.

    3. 4 x 3.

    4. 16 x 9.

    5. 2.21 x 1.


It makes sense to set the aspect ratio when working with DVD disks. Sometimes a DVD may have an incorrect aspect ratio value in its header. You can correct it by setting the Aspect Ratio parameter properly.


Attention! When using an aspect ratio value different from 1 x 1, you are recommended to set the resampling type to "Stretch".

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