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VideoCharge Studio
Release 2.12
Montage Video

Video Montage

Watermark Master allows to perform simple montage operations, such as insertion of video clips, pictures and audio files into movies, displacement and replacement of movies' audio streams and others. The montage operations can be applied to any desirable quantity of videos at once. For example, you can insert the same video clip in the beginning of 100 different source files per one click.


To access the montage functions, go to the Montage tab in the preview area of the main program window. Then click a source file in the "Source File" window.


To add a scene, click the "Add scene" button on the Montage toolbar or open menu Montage > Add Scene (or press "CTRL+ ALT+S"). The following commands, options and parameters are available in the opened "Add Scene" dialog window:


  • Add video - inserts a video file into the movie.


    • File - the path to a video file to be inserted.

    • Add video stream - if enabled, the video stream of the selected video file will be inserted.

    • Add audio stream - if enabled, the audio stream of the selected video file will be inserted.


  • Add image - inserts a graphic file into the movie.


    • File - the path to a graphic file to be inserted.

    • Duration - the time during which the inserted image will be displayed (in hh:mm:ss.ms format, where hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, ms - milliseconds).


  • Add audio - inserts an audio file into the movie.


    • File - the path to an audio file to be inserted.


  • Add empty scene - inserts an empty scene into the movie.


    • Duration - the duration of the inserted empty scene (in hh:mm:ss.ms format).

    • Type - the movie's stream an empty scene will be inserted in.


Below you can specify the position of the inserted scene:


  • End of film.

  • Start from - the custom position the scene will be inserted at (in hh:mm:ss.ms format).


Adjust the parameters and click "OK". Now you can see the added scene marked with blue (or black, if it's an empty scene) in the Montage control. Click the scene to view its properties in the "Properties" window. The properties match the ones specified above, except for the following ones:


  • Apply Watermark - if enabled, all created watermarks, if any, will be applied to the added scene as well. Otherwise the watermarks will be applied to a source file only.

  • Fade In - the time during which appearance of the added scene will be protracted for. Creates an effect of smooth transition between scenes.

  • Fade Out - the time during which disappearance of the added scene will be protracted for. Creates an effect of smooth transition between scenes.


One more parameter is available on the Montage toolbar:



  • Montage for current file - if enabled, the specified montage operations will be applied to the selected file only; otherwise they will be applied to all source files. This option may be useful when you process a great number of files and want to apply specific montage operations to each of them.



Working with the Montage Control.


A special control for visual work with added scenes is located under the player on the Montage tab.



The currently selected source file is indicated in green here. The added scene (image) is marked with blue.


You can shift the added scene by clicking and dragging it. If the scale of the ruler does not allow you to select the required position precisely enough, you can zoom the ruler in using the ruler magnifier (located directly over the ruler). To change the duration of the added scene, click and drag its left or right edge.


Also you can insert a new scene into any desired position of the source file. For that move the slider to the required position and click the "Add scene" button on the Montage toolbar or open menu Montage > Add Scene (or press "CTRL+ ALT+S").



Previewing the results.


To preview the results before encoding, move the slider to the initial position (click the stop button in the player) and click the play button.

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