Watermark Master allows to put watermarks onto
the fragment of a produced movie instead of a whole movie.
When a watermark is added, a timeline
(the fragment of a produced movie the watermark will be put onto) is being
automatically assigned to it. At that the start point of the timeline
is being set to the currently displayed frame and the end point is being
set to the last frame of a produced movie.
To edit the watermark's timeline, go to the
Watermark tab in the preview area of the main program window (or make
sure that you are already there). Select the watermark and click the blue
stripe in the Watermark
Timeline Control.
The blue stripe represents a timeline assigned
to the currently selected watermark. The following editable properties
of the timeline are available in the "Properties" window:
Point - the start point of the timeline (in hh:mm:ss.ms format,
where hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, ms - milliseconds).
to End - if enabled, the start point will be calculated relative
to the end point.
Point - the end point of the timeline (in hh:mm:ss.ms format).
to Start - if enabled, the end point will be calculated relative
to the start point.
of File - if enabled, the end point of the timeline will coincide
with the end of file.
to EOF - if enabled, the end point of the timeline will be calculated
relative to the end of file.
Besides, you can edit the watermark's timeline
by clicking and dragging the blue stripe or its edges along the timeline
ruler. If the scale of the ruler does not
allow you to select the required position precisely enough, you can zoom
the ruler in using the ruler magnifier (located directly over the ruler).