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VideoCharge Studio
Release 2.12
Working with Watermark Master
     Install and Uninstall
     First Steps
     Working with Profiles
     Adding Source Files
     Setting Destination Folder
     Resizing Videos and Pictures
     Enhancing Videos and Pictures
     Cropping Videos and Pictures
     Setting Timelines for Videos
     Creating Thumbnails and Grabbing Frames
     Converting Videos and Pictures
     Splitting Videos into Parts
     Batch processing.
         Creating Your First Watermark
         Adding Text Watermark
         Adding Image Watermark
         Adding Video or Animated GIF Watermark
         Adding Rectangle Watermark
         Adding Ellipse Watermark
         Positioning and Resizing Watermarks
         Working with Styles
         Editing Watermark's Timeline
         Working with Multiple Watermarks
         How to Display a Watermark Multiple Times?
         Applying Filters
         Applying Effects
         Applying Dynamic Effects
     Video Montage
     Output format settings
Advanced Features
Show watermark on part only video file

Editing Watermark's Timeline

Watermark Master allows to put watermarks onto the fragment of a produced movie instead of a whole movie.


When a watermark is added, a timeline (the fragment of a produced movie the watermark will be put onto) is being automatically assigned to it. At that the start point of the timeline is being set to the currently displayed frame and the end point is being set to the last frame of a produced movie.


To edit the watermark's timeline, go to the Watermark tab in the preview area of the main program window (or make sure that you are already there). Select the watermark and click the blue stripe in the Watermark Timeline Control.


The blue stripe represents a timeline assigned to the currently selected watermark. The following editable properties of the timeline are available in the "Properties" window:




  • Start Point - the start point of the timeline (in hh:mm:ss.ms format, where hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, ms - milliseconds).

  • Relative to End - if enabled, the start point will be calculated relative to the end point.




  • End Point - the end point of the timeline (in hh:mm:ss.ms format).

  • Relative to Start - if enabled, the end point will be calculated relative to the start point.

  • End of File - if enabled, the end point of the timeline will coincide with the end of file.

  • Relative to EOF - if enabled, the end point of the timeline will be calculated relative to the end of file.


Besides, you can edit the watermark's timeline by clicking and dragging the blue stripe or its edges along the timeline ruler. If the scale of the ruler does not allow you to select the required position precisely enough, you can zoom the ruler in using the ruler magnifier (located directly over the ruler).

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